N. Korea blasts US bombers' flight near its coast

时间:2024-09-23 08:15:21 来源:玉林新闻
A state-run North Korean overseas propaganda outlet on Friday bashed the recent flight drill of US strategic bombers and fighters near its coast as a dangerous and impermissible anti-Pyongyang act.

"The independent sortie of a US B-1B Lancer strategic bomber squadron over international waters in the East Sea is an extremely dangerous act, designed to drive the situation of the Korean Peninsula to extremes and an anti-Pyongyang provocation that cannot be overlooked in the least," Uriminzokkiri said in a commentary. 

US B-1B Lancer bombers (South Korean Air Force/Yonhap)US B-1B Lancer bombers (South Korean Air Force/Yonhap)
On Saturday night, Washington secretly flew the bombers and F-15 fighter jets from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam to international airspace north of the Northern Limit Line, a de facto inter-Korean maritime border, in the East Sea, in a strong show of force against the North's latest provocations.

This year alone, the US sent B-1B bombers over the sky of the Korean Peninsula 19 times in the form of joint military drills with South Korea, the media asserted.

"But this time, the US went ahead with the bomber flight independently with no prior consultations with its puppet (the South)," the media claimed.

Criticizing that the drill was conducted like the actual fight in a plot to strongly pressure the North, the media said, "The US belligerent bravado will only fiercely erupt our will for revenge."

This is the first time that the North has made a response to the Saturday flight, but only through an external propaganda media, not domestic ones, prompting speculation here that the domestic silence might have something to do with the North's failure to respond to the bomber flight at that time. (Yonhap) 