Poll: Almost 30 percent of Republicans say they won’t get COVID

时间:2024-09-23 06:36:17 来源:玉林新闻

Almost one in five Americans say they won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new CBS/YouGov poll that continues to find the resistance to the shot is divided heavily along party lines. While 29 percent of Republicans say they won’t get vaccinated, only 5 percent of Democrats feel the same way. Among independents, 21 percent say they don’t plan to get the vaccine. A little more than half—or 52 percent—of Republicans say they are fully or partially vaccinated, 6 percent are planning to get the vaccine, and 13 percent are still deciding. Among Democrats, 12 percent plan to be vaccinated and only 6 percent remain undecided.

The top reason those who don’t want to be vaccinated give for their hesitancy is that they believe the shots haven’t been tested enough. But there’s also a small proportion of people who believe they are immune because they already had the coronavirus. As might be expected, there are also strong partisan divisions when it comes to whether employers should be allowed to mandate workers be vaccinated. While 79 percent of Democrats say employers should be allowed to mandate vaccines, only 39 percent of Republicans agree.

Americans as a whole feel more comfortable now than they did a few months ago being out and about and doing things, and vaccination status has little to do with that. Those who refuse to get vaccinated, for example, are more comfortable going to a large event or a restaurant than those who have been fully vaccinated.

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